New ChatGPT Updates

On August 3, OpenAI announced some exciting new updates rolling out this week for ChatGPT! And you know, NOTHING gets e more excited than ways to improve productivity! The best part is that as Microsoft’s Bing, Anthropic’s Claude, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT compete for your business, your user experience will continue to improve!

Also of note - ChatGPT-5 is officially in the works, as Open AI filed a patent last month. More on that to come in a future post.

Here are some of the new features:

Prompt Examples

Staring at a blank page while preparing a school newsletter or drafting an important announcement? Now, you have a creative spark to get the wheels turning. Imagine an example that prompts a heartfelt message about recent student achievements or an innovative project in the works.

Suggested Replies

Picture yourself needing to respond to an unhappy parent email or Facebook message. ChatGPT's suggested replies can help you carry the conversation forward with grace and ease. It's like having a professional communications assistant at your fingertips!

GPT-4 by Default

Plus users, rejoice! (Side note - if you’re not using Plus, TODAY IS THE DAY!)

From now on, ChatGPT will remember your previously selected model when you start a new chat. Say goodbye to the old routine of defaulting back to GPT-3.5 over and over and over. GPT 4 allows for more nuanced, contextually-aware responses. For instance, while addressing sensitive topics, such as policy changes or crisis management, you can craft more precise and appropriate messaging, ensuring your communications are always on point.

Upload Multiple Files

Imagine you have multiple reports from different schools within your district. With this feature, you can cross-analyze the data, extract key insights, and generate comprehensive overviews. This can prove invaluable when you're crafting a district-wide performance summary or a comparative study.

Stay Logged In

Tired of logging in every two weeks? No longer a worry! Plus, whenever you do need to log in, you’ll be greeted with a much more welcoming page. It's like arriving home after a long journey!

Keyboard Shortcuts

In the world of school communications, time is always of the essence. Whether you're racing to publish press releases or crafting crisis communication messages, these shortcuts can help you operate more efficiently, ensuring your school district's message is always delivered promptly and professionally.

Happy ChatGPT-ing, #SchoolPR fam!


ChatGPT vs. Claude


Me, Myself and (A)I