Hi, I’m Becca.

You know that intriguing crossroads where cutting-edge artificial intelligence meets the dynamic world of modern business?

That's my playground.

Rooted in a deep commitment to furthering AI understanding and responsible adoption, I specialize in helping you and your team gain a foundational understanding of AI through innovative hands-on training that will redefine the boundaries of what's possible in your organization. As an expert in professional communication and relationships, I make it easy to understand.

Since 2022, I've taken to various stages—from regional seminars to national conferences—to delve into this intriguing intersection. I've worked with organizations across North America to responsibly understand and adopt AI strategies and practices customized to unique needs and goals.

At the end of the day, my mission is simple: I want to give your organization the tools and know-how to ethically and responsibly leverage AI to maximize impact.

Contact me to learn more.