How AI is Shaping the Future of Business

The landscape of the workplace is transforming in a good way! IBM's recent report sheds light on how AI is shaping the future of business.

Key Insights:

✅ 40% of the global workforce will need to reskill in the next three years.
✅ 87% of executives view AI as enhancing roles rather than replacing them.
✅ Adopting AI has led to a 15% revenue boost for tech-savvy businesses.
✅ The value of people skills is on the rise, with AI enabling employees to achieve more with less training.
✅ The report's mantra: "AI won't replace people—but people who use AI will replace people who don't."

My message all along has been:

✔ Embrace AI and invest in learning as much as your can about it. Spend a little time every day.
✔ Be curious, be open-minded, and figure out how to integrate AI into your everyday life and workflow.
✔ Use AI to be more efficient at work so you can enjoy what you do more and focus on what you love about your job.

Our AI future belongs to those who innovate and adapt!💡

Read the report:


AI in Professional Communication: The Questions of 'IF' and 'HOW'


AI: Transforming Education and Opening Global Classrooms