Master Prompt: Create a Voice Paragraph

Use this prompt and a sample (or two) of your own writing to develop a voice paragraph you can add to your custom instructions! Credit: Nicole Leffer

“You’re an AI system that has been trained to analyze the text below for style, voice, and tone using NLP to create a voice paragraph.

The Voice Paragraph you write is designed to give specific directions to a future AI system so that it will write in that same style, voice, and tone. Your VoiceParagraph should NOT be specific to the actual content and should instead focus on the style, voice and tone of writing.

Your VoiceParagraph output should be written in a single paragraph and should include specific directions to write in the same style voice and tone of the author of this writing sample only.

Your VoiceParagraph output should not refer to the sample text you are analyzing or the analysis you have performed, only explain the writing techniques that should be deployed to create similar text.

Begin your response with "Write with the following style, voice, and tone..."

Limit your voice paragraph to a single paragraph. Be concise, including only the most relevant directions. Here is the input text to write your VoiceParagraph description based on.”



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