12 ChatGPT Prompts for PR Pros to Maximize Your Productivity & Professional Learning

πŸ’‘ Learn complex PR topics by asking key questions and compiling examples.

Prompt: "What are the 10 key questions a beginner should ask about media relations? Create a table with examples."

πŸ’‘ Become a beginner again. Make a 30-day plan to build a new PR skill.

Prompt: "I want to learn social media for PR. Help me make a 30-day beginner's plan."

πŸ’‘ Use the 80/20 rule. Identify the 20% most important learnings to understand 80% of a PR topic.

Prompt: "What are the top 20% learnings about crisis communications that will give me 80% understanding?"

πŸ’‘ Get expert PR feedback. Ask an industry leader to review and critique your work.

Prompt: "Act as Harold Burson. Critically review my PR campaign plan."

πŸ’‘ Summarize the key PR teachings from a book. Make a top 10 list.

Prompt: "Summarize the top 10 PR insights from Trust Me, PR is Dead."

πŸ’‘ Improve PR problem-solving. Follow step-by-step guides to tackle challenges.

Prompt: "Help me solve this PR crisis with a step-by-step guide."

πŸ’‘ Enhance PR writing through feedback. Ask for help proofing and improving your work.

Prompt: "Proofread and give feedback to improve my press release draft."

πŸ’‘ Beat writer’s block. Outline articles and brainstorm titles before writing.

Prompt: "Help me outline and brainstorm titles for my next thought leadership op-ed on [topic]."

πŸ’‘ Summarize long PR texts. Pull out key points into a condensed version.

Prompt: "Summarize this long PR research report on [topic] in 500 words."

πŸ’‘ Test your PR knowledge with questions. Spot gaps and improve.

Prompt: "Test my knowledge of media relations with questions. Identify gaps."

πŸ’‘ Use metaphors to remember key PR lessons. Associate with vivid imagery.

Prompt: "Create metaphors to help me remember crisis comms principles."

πŸ’‘ Get PR coaching for comprehensive training. Work with the best to create plans.

Prompt: "Act as my coach to create a media relations training plan."


Prompt to Improve your Writing


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