Google Bard can Fact Check!

Addressing the spread of online mis-and-disinformation has been a struggle for years, with very few wins or even decent solutions emerging (despite Zuckerberg's 2018 assurances that AI could solve the problem).

In reality, things might be worse than ever. The explosion of generative AI with a propensity for hallucination into society just over a year ago has dramatically increased the sheer volume of murky information spraying into the world daily.

Interestingly, Google's Bard seems to be working to address this issue with a new self-checking feature.

Bard can generate outputs (just like ChatGPT); BUT, you can click the 'G,' and Bard will cross reference the Google results with its own output, showing you exactly what it was able to confirm via Google and what may be a hallucination.

Now, if only we could fully trust what Bard was actually finding on Google...

Either way, I think it's a step in the right direction. I hope it works.


Master Prompt: Summarizing Articles


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